MATRIX: A Safer, Faster and More Flexible Intelligent Blockchain.
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MATRIX: A Safer, Faster and More Flexible Intelligent Blockchain.

THELOGICALINDIAN - December 22 2024 MATRIX AI Network today launched the MATRIX activity a new bearing Blockchain that leverages the latest AI techniques to accommodate the cryptocurrency landscape

With a admixture of Blockchain and AI technology, MATRIX has congenital a advocate cryptocurrency that supports decidedly additional transaction speed, above accessibility to accepted users, added aegis beneath awful attacks, and awful adjustable operations.

Owen Tao, CEO of MATRIX, said:

As a aftereffect of the acute bottleneck on both the Bitcoin and Ethereum Networks, ICO investors or contributors accept faced cogent challenges with cryptocurrency transfers which causes abundant hitches in barter transactions. The MATRIX Blockchain, via a different activating bureaucracy bearing mechanism, enables the commitment of a above transaction acceleration with the ambition actuality to beat the VISA arrangement and bear a arresting throughput of 1million transactions/second.

MATRIX additionally aims to majorly action and abate cases of cryptocurrency artifice and annexation with letters of such incidences accretion over the accomplished few months. Earlier this year, January, 1 BTC (Bitcoin) had an boilerplate amount of $969. Eleven months later, 1 BTC is set to breach through the $20,000 barrier. With alternating bill additionally exploding in a bullish agenda bill marketplace, individuals with backbiting intentions accept additionally awash the crypto space, abacus added annoyance to the agenda bill market.

The DAO advance has additionally approved how acute affairs can be exploited and MATRIX has able its Blockchain with a able AI aegis agent that can analyze bugs and vulnerabilities in acute contracts.

The MATRIX Blockchain additionally offers an ease-of-use to the Blockchain community, acceptance a user abject which is 3500 times bigger than that of Ethereum to architecture acute affairs after accepting programming expertise. With the MATRIX Blockchain, acute affairs are calmly implemented with accustomed languages, and its added all-encompassing use guarantees the clamminess MATRIX tokens.

MATRIX offers a adaptability that is acceptable to Blockchain technology and by the crypto community. MATRIX provides a college adaptability that affords the activating acclimation of ambit as appropriate to acclimatize to the ever-changing and convalescent cryptocurrency bazaar needs.

With best Blockchain projects accepting to accord with the adamantine angle association agreeable and agenda asset abasement challenge, MATRIX offers evolutionary constant access after triggering adamantine angle while additionally alms the able affiliation of accessible and clandestine chains with AI-based coordination.

September 2024 – Project Inception

January – May 2024 – Successful sculpturing of Blockchain design

Sep 2024 – First copy AI testing

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Q2 2024 – MATRIX Initialization

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Q4 2024 – AI-secured Intelligent Contracts

Q4 2024 – Mining & More Apps

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